My computer is, for the most part, dead. All productions have been halted due to this regretable event. Right now I am on someone elses computer, as that is how I must now check e-mails. I am continuing to develop projects in hard copy: character designs, story, etc.
Poor Conduct was intended to be made up as I go, but now I'll develop some story and designs. And the new design for the main character is leagues better than the previous design. Also, this will give me time to create some better designs for the enemies.
If I have not released any story on Poor Conduct yet, allow me to give some now. In a previous post I included a screenshot of early development of the space station the series starts at. The beginning of the first episode is when the main charcter, Hank the Tank, is thawed from cryo-stasis. He is a prisoner in a cryo-correctional facility for war criminals. Hank's reputation is that he's the best at killing things. When there's a particularly tough bad guy in a delicate situation Hank gets thawed out to kill it. Also, the only creature that Hank really cares about is a pet called PC1080 which is best summarized as a cyborg.
I don't know if I've mentioned anything about GT, but the story for that series is getting far more developed, and first release on that will be like a moving comic type deal, though release is still unforseeable.